Tar - Vabriga

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Camping destinations in Tar-Vabriga

The two fishermen villages of Tar and Vabriga merged into one small yet powerful municipality on the west Istrian coast. Mainly focused on olive oil, wine, and cheese production, here you can experience the Mediterranean way of life and have a peaceful camping experience at Lanterna Premium Camping resort.

The favorable geographical position of the Tar-Vabriga municipality sparked numerous high- quality winemakers and producers of superior olive oil, often included in renowned olive oil guidebooks, such as Flos Olei. The area's long freshwater and saltwater fishing tradition make it the ideal spot to enjoy fish and shell specialties at local taverns. For an authentic local experience, book a tasting tour with an olive-oil producer, winemaker, or cheesemaker from the area.

If the local way of life in Tar-Vabriga gets too slow, visit the nearby Sky Fox Adventure park, or enjoy horseback riding through the area's extraordinary landscapes. The nearby Baredine cave is a magnificent natural attraction for lovers of underground speleo adventures.